Tuesday, January 11, 2011

[News] After School arrived in Taiwan for the first time, fans crowded at the airport

South Korea's beautiful long legged After School came together with Japanese singer Thelma Aoyma in order to film a New Year's Eve special program filming of the "Superstar Red and White Entertainment Awards". They arrived yesterday in Taiwan, where After School fans greeted them with so much enthusiasm and chaos that the members were in shock. So they went to a small restaurant to eat XiaoLongBao and drink bubble tea. 

Originally, 7 After School girls were scheduled to come, but only 6 minus Joo Yeon wasn't able to show up. Their company said that she had a fever and was not able to come, but she has tweeted that she is in the middle of filming currently. The scene at the airport was absolute chaos. Fans broke through the security line asking for autographs. Raina smiled and said, "It really did scare us, but we are happy that there are so many fans who support us".

Meanwhile, After School member UEE is in the reality show "We Got Married", which was aired recently in Taiwan. She and actor Park Jae Jung from "You are My Destiny" play fake couples in the illusion of marriage. 30 year old leader Kahi was asked whether their company would allow members to date, she laughed and replied, "My manager is anxious for me to fall in love and get married".

Source: Yahoo Taiwan
Translated by: Doris @ DKPOPNEWS.NET


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